Meet some of our friends to see how they are changing the world.

Good day everyone! 

Working with people day in and day out we discover many fascinating things that people are doing in their profession. Their passion for what they do is contagious and exciting! 

When you start hearing stories of how people are transformed by what they are doing - it is something we want to share with the world of how they are contributing to making a difference in their region of the globe.  

First mention is Colie Taico (click name for info). She is a therapist and specializes in a couple of areas including helping women heal their relationship with food.

If you are in Cultivate Your Curls she is in the section of how to get multiple day hair (of which has helped many people to relearn how to work with day 2-3-4 hair).

Colie works with clients one on one and is taking her years of experience and is creating an online course that will reach others that can not sit with her privately.  Sign up HERE to get on her list. 

She is also on...

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